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So far Dmitry Tokarev has created 11 blog entries.

How to get iMIS Working with SSL Certificates

By |2022-05-19T10:58:26-04:00May 19th, 2022|iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

SSL Certificates are used to make sure any passwords or sensitive information being sent over the internet is encrypted and safe from third parties. Many browsers make it difficult to even access a web page that doesn’t have such a certificate even if no sensitive information is sent. Even the latest versions of iMIS require an SSL certificate to be installed before iMIS can be installed. There are many errors that can come up if the certificate is missing, or the url/uri is not using https. Some of which include a secure connection error when trying to access the iMIS site.

Secure Connection Error

To get iMIS working with SSL Certificates properly:

1.) First you must import an SSL Certificate into IIS and then install iMIS.
2.) Then make sure under the web.config files the ImisWebServerUrl and EntityManagerDefaultBaseUri start with https://
3.) After that, all you have to do is bind the correct certificate to the iMIS site inside IIS.

iMIS Security: How to Disable the access of an Administrator

By |2022-02-07T16:15:51-05:00February 7th, 2022|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

As your organization continues to move forward and grow, you typically cycle through many staff and volunteers, which can also extend to the administrative level. Whether an administrator is let go, leaving for another opportunity, retiring, etc., the issue remains that they have access to sensitive data.

Here, we outline a guide on how to disable the access of an administrator in iMIS:

We would advise you not to delete the user from IMIS. In certain scenarios, deleting the user would affect records that were updated by the user in the past. Instead, disable the user’s account in iMIS or change the user type from ‘full’ to ‘public’. This will allow the user to still login to the system from public websites and update their profile, but any administrative level access would be revoked.

You can do this by going to the staff site -> community -> security -> users and finding all users. Find the account you wish to change and click on the logon name. Scroll down to staff access and modify the permissions. Make sure the account no longer contains a ‘SysAdmin’ role if it had it before. Change the manager’s password (If the user had access to the manager’s account). If the user had access to any of the other staff passwords, please update those passwords also. Changing passwords for the account can be done by simply entering in a new password and pressing the save button in the bottom right corner.

At E-Tech, we are iMIS experts with over 25+ years of experience in consulting, hosting, and maintaining clients. E-Tech was also awarded Authorized iMIS Consultant of 2020 in Canada by Advanced Solutions International (ASI). Please Contact Us for more information or if you need any assistance with iMIS.

Intelligent Query Architect (IQA) Do’s and Don’ts

By |2021-11-08T12:33:53-05:00November 8th, 2021|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

When using IQAs there are many things we can do with them and many others we cannot or shouldn’t. As any graphical front end, there will be limitations to what can be done. Let’s first discuss things that you cannot and shouldn’t do in IQAs.

1.) Custom SQL scripts cannot be used unless custom views are created in the database and added as business objects. Try to avoid adding custom views if possible.

2.) Multiple nested loops/joins since this increases the time to complete the query exponentially. If you have long running queries, check to see if this is the problem.

3.) IQAs are only for reading from the database, to write to the database you must use some kind of form implementation such as Sonic Forms or iMIS Form Builder.

Now here are some basic recommendations to remember when building IQAs.

1.) When looking for individual members use their unique IDs rather than names, usernames, or emails. You can use those other fields to help find the member you are looking for but remember they are not unique, and you can have multiple people with similar names.

2.) Set the correct security permissions for the IQA so the right users have the permissions to run the query.

There is far more IQA functionality than can be covered in a short article, so I recommend everyone working with IQAs to go through the ASI documentation and tutorials to get a better grasp of how they work here. For over 25 years, E-Tech has been consulting, hosting and maintaining iMIS clients, if you need any assistance please feel free to Contact Us.

Tips & Tricks for iMIS Database Views

By |2021-08-19T14:40:24-04:00August 19th, 2021|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

In iMIS you are often forced to use direct tables or views in IQAs and Business Objects if you are looking for something. Tables contain the raw information but, sometimes you need information which is stored in multiple tables and do not wish to spend time formatting and pulling in data from different tables; this is where views come in and can be used to speed things along. Here are some views that contain information that will be useful when creating IQAs and business objects.

Views Related to Users

Login – Contains information related to a user’s login information, such as login ID, iMIS ID, username, full name, and company name

Name_All – Contains all the name information about the contacts including their address and company

vBoContact – Contains the contact status code with the name of the contact

vBoIndividual – Similar to the contact view, but contains more information on the institute of the contact

vBoUser – Various views containing user keys, ID, login, emails and more. Look through each view to determine which one is best suited for your needs. vBoUserData is the table that would be most useful for most purposes

Other Useful Views

vBoDocument – This view is related to the documents that have been uploaded to iMIS so you can see the document keys and the name of the document

vBoSystem – These views contain various information related to the iMIS configuration, if you need to find what some setting is in iMIS look through these views to find what you need

For more information on iMIS database views or general information on iMIS, feel free to contact us.

The Basics of iMIS Database Tables – Part 2

By |2021-05-18T10:03:14-04:00May 18th, 2021|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

When looking through your iMIS database you may see a lot of tables and not know what many of them are for. If you need to write custom SQL queries or do troubleshooting with some issues, it is quite useful to know what information is stored where. Here are some more tables to get you started.

Users Tables:
  • ContactMain table contains all the contacts you have inside iMIS.
  • GroupMain table contains all groups and organizations you have inside iMIS.
Website Tables:
  • Content table contains the content used on the iMIS website. You can view when a content page was created, last changed by who, settings of the page and the location.
  • DocumentStorage table contains information related to the documents that have been uploaded to iMIS. Related to the DocumentMain table but might contain more relevant information to you.
Transactions Tables:
  • GatewayTransaction table contains transactions that have gone through the payment gateways.
  • Invoice table contains invoice information.
  • Order table contains orders requested. Includes failed and successful orders.
Misc Table:
  • Error Table contains errors that have occurred and have been recorded to the database. An additional troubleshooting step if you need to check for errors. Usually, this table is empty.

For more information on iMIS database tables or general information on iMIS, feel free to contact us.


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