
Tips & Tricks for iMIS Database Views

By |2021-08-19T14:40:24-04:00August 19th, 2021|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

In iMIS you are often forced to use direct tables or views in IQAs and Business Objects if you are looking for something. Tables contain the raw information but, sometimes you need information which is stored in multiple tables and do not wish to spend time formatting and pulling in data from different tables; this is where views come in and can be used to speed things along. Here are some views that contain information that will be useful when creating IQAs and business objects.

Views Related to Users

Login – Contains information related to a user’s login information, such as login ID, iMIS ID, username, full name, and company name

Name_All – Contains all the name information about the contacts including their address and company

vBoContact – Contains the contact status code with the name of the contact

vBoIndividual – Similar to the contact view, but contains more information on the institute of the contact

vBoUser – Various views containing user keys, ID, login, emails and more. Look through each view to determine which one is best suited for your needs. vBoUserData is the table that would be most useful for most purposes

Other Useful Views

vBoDocument – This view is related to the documents that have been uploaded to iMIS so you can see the document keys and the name of the document

vBoSystem – These views contain various information related to the iMIS configuration, if you need to find what some setting is in iMIS look through these views to find what you need

For more information on iMIS database views or general information on iMIS, feel free to contact us.

The Basics of iMIS Database Tables – Part 2

By |2021-05-18T10:03:14-04:00May 18th, 2021|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

When looking through your iMIS database you may see a lot of tables and not know what many of them are for. If you need to write custom SQL queries or do troubleshooting with some issues, it is quite useful to know what information is stored where. Here are some more tables to get you started.

Users Tables:
  • ContactMain table contains all the contacts you have inside iMIS.
  • GroupMain table contains all groups and organizations you have inside iMIS.
Website Tables:
  • Content table contains the content used on the iMIS website. You can view when a content page was created, last changed by who, settings of the page and the location.
  • DocumentStorage table contains information related to the documents that have been uploaded to iMIS. Related to the DocumentMain table but might contain more relevant information to you.
Transactions Tables:
  • GatewayTransaction table contains transactions that have gone through the payment gateways.
  • Invoice table contains invoice information.
  • Order table contains orders requested. Includes failed and successful orders.
Misc Table:
  • Error Table contains errors that have occurred and have been recorded to the database. An additional troubleshooting step if you need to check for errors. Usually, this table is empty.

For more information on iMIS database tables or general information on iMIS, feel free to contact us.

The Basics of iMIS Database Tables – Part 1

By |2021-02-08T15:38:14-05:00February 8th, 2021|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

When looking through your iMIS database you may see a lot of tables and not know what many of them are for. If you need to write custom SQL queries or do troubleshooting with some issues, it is quite useful to know what information is stored where. These are some of the basic tables to get you started:

Users Tables:
  • Users table shows you all the staff users that have been created.
  • UsersMain table shows you all the created users.
  • Name table contains the users and contacts and their personal information.
  • Aspnet table contains various system information about user accounts.
Transaction Tables:
  • Trans table holds all the transactions, and you can see the debit, credit description and for who the transaction was completed for.
System Tables:
  • System_Params table holds the parameters for iMIS settings.
  • System_Variable table holds the iMIS variables.
  • SystemConfig table holds the configurations for iMIS.
Other Tables:
  • Cart table holds the current carts of the users. You may sometimes need to delete all the carts to resolve some issues.
  • CommunicationLog table is one of the biggest tables which holds all the email information that have been sent through iMIS.
  • DocumentMain table is usually the biggest table and holds all the documents that have uploaded to iMIS in blobs.

For more information on iMIS database tables or general information on iMIS, feel free to contact us.

Keeping your iMIS Secure from Recent Vulnerabilities

By |2020-11-18T13:32:47-05:00November 18th, 2020|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

  • 1.1 to 20.1.19
  • 2.1 to 20.2.26
  • 2.49
  • iMIS 2017 SP A to SP U
  • However, there are potential Issues to watch out for: If you are patching the iMIS instance on some versions, you will get a JS script error on the home page of the iMIS Desktop client. You can work around this by removing the charts in the staff site and republishing the home page of the desktop client. There may also be some changes with the UI in the staff site after the patch, but these are purely cosmetic changes with colors and themes. Service Pack W may have issues running some iMIS specific database tools and maintenance utilities. You will have to run those procedures manually if it is necessary. At E-Tech, we have over 25+ years of experience with consulting, managing, and maintaining iMIS. Feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions.>

    Are You Having Trouble with the Telerik Vulnerability?

    By |2020-08-11T10:31:20-04:00August 11th, 2020|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

    This patch cannot be applied to early adopter versions of iMIS, or the default iMIS 2017 release. If you are on iMIS 2017 you will need to have a service pack applied before the patch can be used. There are different versions of the patch for different versions of iMIS. If you are using iMIS 20.1 you must use the version of the patch for your instance. There are patches for the following versions:

    • 1.1 to 20.1.19
    • 2.1 to 20.2.26
    • 2.49
    • iMIS 2017 SP A to SP U
    However, there are potential Issues to watch out for: If you are patching the iMIS instance on some versions, you will get a JS script error on the home page of the iMIS Desktop client. You can work around this by removing the charts in the staff site and republishing the home page of the desktop client. There may also be some changes with the UI in the staff site after the patch but these are purely cosmetic changes with colors and themes. This patch also requires and older security patch to also be applied first to iMIS versions 15.2 to 20.2.49 Applying the patch: Instructions on applying the patch are inside the readme file and are different for each version of the path. Generally, you just have to move the .exe file to the iMIS Net and/or ASI Scheduler directory and run the patch. If possible it is best to upgrade to SP V or newer, but if this is not possible the patch is essential to your iMIS security. At E-Tech, we are iMIS experts with over 20 years of experience. We share our expertise with users who are having any issues with iMIS through our contact at Please reach out for more information.>


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