
Are you having issues with troubleshooting iMIS?

By |2020-05-14T14:12:53-04:00May 14th, 2020|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

actually happened. One of the first places to look is the Windows Event Viewer on the server the iMIS Application is hosted on. You can check for any application errors that iMIS encounters here. You may find errors related to the SQL server, or the web server itself. Make sure the error time matches up with the time you recorded when something went wrong. Next you can find the errors related to iMIS Desktop inside your own AppData folder under AppDataLocalTempasiTemp. There will be logs located there with information on things that may not have loaded or worked correctly on iMIS Desktop. On iMIS Desktop, you can sometimes have various script errors that tell you what the issue is. If the script error starts with line 0 character 0, it is usually related to permissions with the Internet Explorer browser. If you are applying a service pack or doing an upgrade, there will always be logs located in the folder that is created when you run those upgrades. If you are on the website and something is not working, then make sure the site, content and related items are all published correctly. You can check if something has been published correctly if there is no red bar next to the content or site in the staff site view when viewing the content or site. If the content has trouble publishing, you can always check under Rise->Maintenance->Publishing Servers->Error Log for any messages if it failed to publish correctly. This information will usually be enough for you to understand what issue is happening and how to proceed in order to resolve it. Sometimes, the error message is vague and non-descriptive and other times it will be obvious what the issue is. These are just the first steps to try when encountering an issue. For our iMIS expertise, please Contact Us should you need help troubleshooting common issues!>

iMIS ALERT: 4 Common Issues and Solutions on iMIS Desktop

By |2020-02-13T13:59:49-05:00February 13th, 2020|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

With iMIS Cloud coming out soon, it’s looking like iMIS Desktop will no longer be supported by ASI. What does this mean for all the users still using iMIS Desktop? You’re going to run into some issues and bugs that are no longer going to get fixed. Of course, upgrading to iMIS Cloud may not be ideal, so if you are still using iMIS desktop here are some common issues and how to avoid them.

1. You want to open the system information for iMIS but did not log in. You have the information you need, but now the information window will not close when you click OK, and iMIS will not shutdown. When you try to exit, it will tell you to finish what you were doing.

The correct way to get out of this situation is to press the Esc button. This will close the login screen and then you will be able to close the system information window. You can then close iMIS or open the login screen again to login by clicking on “Logon->Logon to host”

2. Managing Batching under the A/R Tab. When opening a batch, it will be open on edit mode, but it will still allow navigation to other tabs. If you do not enter any input and navigate to another tab, it will glitch out and not allow you to do anything or close the application.

To resolve this, click the exit button to get the “you must complete or cancel your task” prompt and press the Esc button twice. This will cancel the editing mode and allow iMIS to continue doing other things. This issue may occur on other editing options and tabs so if iMIS is ever stuck in this situation the Esc button may get you out it.

3. Logging into a recently upgraded iMIS Desktop. You may encounter an error that tells you your iMIS application and database versions are different.

The first thing to check is to make sure you can log onto the staff site, then make sure iMIS desktop, the iMIS application and the iMIS database are all on the same version. If this is the case, then your issue is most likely the VirtualStore files for iMIS. These files are automatically loaded when opening iMIS desktop and the older version of iMIS has created those files. The simple solution would be to delete the iMIS VirtualStore files inside C:\Users\<Your Username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore.

4. iMIS Desktop issues with Internet Explorer security settings. If you are getting script errors, unable to run reports, unable to view the pages or even unable to login, this may be due to various Internet Explorer security settings.

If there have been changes to the settings, a recommendation would be to reset them to the default settings. The higher the security the more things that can go wrong. If you want to be sure it’s not related to these security settings, turn the security to the lowest possible settings and try using iMIS desktop again.

BONUS: iMIS Staff Site Issue and Advice

We advise not to delete any communication templates you may use in the future. In iMIS any communication templates sent to the recycle bin are not currently able to be reverted through the staff site. Before you delete any communication template, make sure you really don’t need it. Otherwise, to restore it you will have to go into the database and update the DocumentStatusCode to 40 for the deleted communication template.


Serious Benefits of Hosting Your Website in Canada

By |2019-02-13T12:03:48-05:00February 13th, 2019|Hosting, Uncategorized|

Have you ever wondered, “Does it really matter where my website is hosted?” the answer to this is a short and simple “Yes!”

Wherever you choose to host your website, you are also choosing where to store your website’s data. Before diving into this let’s look at what website hosting really means.

Website hosting is a service that allows organizations and individuals to post a website or web pages onto the Internet. A website hosting service provider is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed by the public.

Websites are hosted or stored on servers, and when internet users want to view your website, all they need to do is type your website address or domain into their browser. Their computer will then connect to your server and your webpages will be delivered to them through the browser. [1]

When you choose a hosting provider to host your website you should always ask the question, “where is my data actually being stored?” This should make you think about the benefits of where your data is being stored.

Here are some of the main benefits and security reasons on why a Canadian company should host their site in Canada.


Storing your data in the cloud is one thing, but where the server is located is another. Your websites, databases and emails are governed by the laws of where the server is located, i.e. Servers in Canada fall under the Canadian legal system, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). This is where private information on hosted servers is strictly regulated with laws designed to protect sensitive and personal data.

Unlike Canada, servers in the United States fall under the legal system, Patriot Act where the United States government can legally access any data, block you from your data, and monitor your communications if your activity is deemed suspicious. Even if you are a Canadian citizen, if your website is hosted in the United States, then you are subject to their laws and regulations.

The benefit of Canada? It is one of the strictest countries in the world when it comes to managing personal data and information. Compared to other countries, Canada places personal security as a higher priority and it is regarded as an essential right.


In the past, Canadian based clients may have chosen United States based hosting providers because they were a bit cheaper and cost was their primary concern. Nowadays, with the expansion of data center space in Canada, pricing is now relatable!

In addition to this, when choosing a Canadian based hosting provider, you are generally also billed in Canadian dollars – saving you several currency conversion fees.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

SEO is about more than keywords and content optimization. It’s about who you host with as well. If you’re looking to increase your presence in a certain country like Canada, then hosting your website in Canada is a good option. By choosing a hosting provider where your information is stored in Canada, you will automatically get a Canadian IP address.

As an example, when someone in Canada goes on google to search for hosting, it will automatically load Canadian IP addresses that are near to where you’re searching from, affecting your local Google rankings if your data is stored close-by.

Having a website hosted in Canada will increase your search relevancy within Canadian-based search results and increase Canadian traffic. You will have a much greater chance of being found on google if you are hosted with a provider in Canada.

Improved performance:

Believe it or not, the distance between the server and the computer that is loading the website will make a difference. If your target audience is Canada, then a Canadian based service provider will decrease your website’s load time and improve the amount of time people stay on your website.

It is proven that the longer a person waits for your website to load, the quicker they are to bounce off your website and never return. Load speed time is very important for your business’ SEO, especially with the faster technology getting released seemingly everyday.

In fact, we have become impatient with our technology that if your pages take longer than 3 seconds to load, most people will exit the page. The closer your data and online information is to you and your customers, the better your site load will be. Remember that fast websites are always better.


It’s important to feel secure about where your information is stored and to know that the data centers that your hosting provider are using are secure as well. Before picking a hosting provider, you should be asking about daily backups & restore points, continuous uptime, and they should also be up to date with valid Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates[2] so that customers trust going on to your website.

If anything were to happen, it is ideal to have a hosting provider that is located close to you.

Another thing to look at is making sure you have distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protection[3], and a business continuity plan in the event that those servers fail.

It is very important to choose the company you are hosting with very carefully, and to consider where your information is being stored. You must look at all aspects. If the location is not in the same country in which you are trying to target your customers, your at risk for privacy & security concerns, as well as lower SEO and worse website performance.

Are you looking for a Canadian-based hosting provider? Check out our Hosting Services page for more information.


Encryptions: The How & Why You Should Protect You & Your Data Everyday

By |2018-08-04T14:42:40-04:00August 4th, 2018|Hosting, Uncategorized, Website Security|

What is “Encryption”?

You’ve probably heard the term loosely thrown around by media and IT professionals, but what does it really mean? Simply put: It hides things [data] you don’t want other people to see, without authorization. For example: When making a purchase online, such as Amazon, or Walmart, the connection between your browser and their servers is encrypted via the use of an SSL certificate (the HTTPS, and the little green lock icon). This significantly helps prevent attackers from stealing your information while it’s being transmitted (although you must make sure that the website you’re browsing is the legitimate website!).

Or a local example, you use a password to log into your computer; similarly, if you lock a document with a password.

Obviously these are 2 different levels of, and even types of encryption, but it’s important to differentiate these different levels and to understand what steps you can, and should take to protecting yourself, and your data.


6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Cloud Hosting

By |2017-01-16T16:12:06-05:00January 16th, 2017|Hosting, iMIS, Uncategorized|

Cloud Hosting is a flexible, powerful and more cost-effective for website owners. If you’re experiencing, or expecting, high volumes of web traffic, cloud hosting could be for you. If you want a web host that will grow with your site and mould around you in terms of traffic, resources and cost, cloud hosting is the best bet.

What is Cloud Hosting?
The easiest way to describe cloud hosting is to imagine hundreds of computer servers in the sky. With cloud hosting, your website data and resources are shared out between them. If one server goes down, for instance, you’ll simply switch to another one, seamlessly. If you get a sudden spike of traffic, more cloud servers will pop up to take the strain. If your traffic dies down, the servers will disappear again. It’s flexible, mouldable and responsive to your needs. It’s a step up from traditional ‘shared hosting’ which places all your data on just one server. With shared hosting, you’re also sharing that server with hundreds of other websites, all fighting for the same resources and space. When your website is big enough to outgrow shared hosting, a cloud option gives you more resources and more flexibility.



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