IT Support

Are you having issues with troubleshooting iMIS?

By |2020-05-14T14:12:53-04:00May 14th, 2020|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

actually happened. One of the first places to look is the Windows Event Viewer on the server the iMIS Application is hosted on. You can check for any application errors that iMIS encounters here. You may find errors related to the SQL server, or the web server itself. Make sure the error time matches up with the time you recorded when something went wrong. Next you can find the errors related to iMIS Desktop inside your own AppData folder under AppDataLocalTempasiTemp. There will be logs located there with information on things that may not have loaded or worked correctly on iMIS Desktop. On iMIS Desktop, you can sometimes have various script errors that tell you what the issue is. If the script error starts with line 0 character 0, it is usually related to permissions with the Internet Explorer browser. If you are applying a service pack or doing an upgrade, there will always be logs located in the folder that is created when you run those upgrades. If you are on the website and something is not working, then make sure the site, content and related items are all published correctly. You can check if something has been published correctly if there is no red bar next to the content or site in the staff site view when viewing the content or site. If the content has trouble publishing, you can always check under Rise->Maintenance->Publishing Servers->Error Log for any messages if it failed to publish correctly. This information will usually be enough for you to understand what issue is happening and how to proceed in order to resolve it. Sometimes, the error message is vague and non-descriptive and other times it will be obvious what the issue is. These are just the first steps to try when encountering an issue. For our iMIS expertise, please Contact Us should you need help troubleshooting common issues!>

iMIS ALERT: 4 Common Issues and Solutions on iMIS Desktop

By |2020-02-13T13:59:49-05:00February 13th, 2020|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

With iMIS Cloud coming out soon, it’s looking like iMIS Desktop will no longer be supported by ASI. What does this mean for all the users still using iMIS Desktop? You’re going to run into some issues and bugs that are no longer going to get fixed. Of course, upgrading to iMIS Cloud may not be ideal, so if you are still using iMIS desktop here are some common issues and how to avoid them.

1. You want to open the system information for iMIS but did not log in. You have the information you need, but now the information window will not close when you click OK, and iMIS will not shutdown. When you try to exit, it will tell you to finish what you were doing.

The correct way to get out of this situation is to press the Esc button. This will close the login screen and then you will be able to close the system information window. You can then close iMIS or open the login screen again to login by clicking on “Logon->Logon to host”

2. Managing Batching under the A/R Tab. When opening a batch, it will be open on edit mode, but it will still allow navigation to other tabs. If you do not enter any input and navigate to another tab, it will glitch out and not allow you to do anything or close the application.

To resolve this, click the exit button to get the “you must complete or cancel your task” prompt and press the Esc button twice. This will cancel the editing mode and allow iMIS to continue doing other things. This issue may occur on other editing options and tabs so if iMIS is ever stuck in this situation the Esc button may get you out it.

3. Logging into a recently upgraded iMIS Desktop. You may encounter an error that tells you your iMIS application and database versions are different.

The first thing to check is to make sure you can log onto the staff site, then make sure iMIS desktop, the iMIS application and the iMIS database are all on the same version. If this is the case, then your issue is most likely the VirtualStore files for iMIS. These files are automatically loaded when opening iMIS desktop and the older version of iMIS has created those files. The simple solution would be to delete the iMIS VirtualStore files inside C:\Users\<Your Username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore.

4. iMIS Desktop issues with Internet Explorer security settings. If you are getting script errors, unable to run reports, unable to view the pages or even unable to login, this may be due to various Internet Explorer security settings.

If there have been changes to the settings, a recommendation would be to reset them to the default settings. The higher the security the more things that can go wrong. If you want to be sure it’s not related to these security settings, turn the security to the lowest possible settings and try using iMIS desktop again.

BONUS: iMIS Staff Site Issue and Advice

We advise not to delete any communication templates you may use in the future. In iMIS any communication templates sent to the recycle bin are not currently able to be reverted through the staff site. Before you delete any communication template, make sure you really don’t need it. Otherwise, to restore it you will have to go into the database and update the DocumentStatusCode to 40 for the deleted communication template.


Top 4 Fraud Trends of 2020 and How Criminals are Targeting YOUR Business

By |2020-01-15T12:09:05-05:00January 15th, 2020|Cyber Security Awareness, Dark Web Monitoring, IT Support, Office 365 & G Suite, Uncategorized|

If we asked you to guess which category of crime that continues to inflict companies of all sizes with damages amounting to billions of dollars annually, you probably wouldn’t think it’s cyber crime. Staying updated on the latest attack types and prevention techniques is the only way to future-proof your organization. Facebook was one of the World’s Biggest Data Breaches and Hacks just last September with 419,000,000 compromises. That’s why we have compiled here 4 fraud trends of 2020 from our experts that you won’t want to miss:


Synthetic identity fraud is initiated when a hacker procures a social security number by theft or purchase on the Dark Web, and then fabricates an associated name, DOB, email account, or phone number. From there, the fake identity is legitimized and nurtured in order to exploit lines of credit. Once a fraudster is able to become an authorized user, a process that typically takes 5 months, the “bust-out” is ready to be executed. When the dust settles, creditors and businesses are left with dummy accounts filled to the brim with credit card maximums, loans, and cell phone/utility plans. An example of this is was seen last month in September, where a Toronto man was out $2,775 after e-transfer fraudsters impersonated him on email.


The “R word” can send chills down the spine of any business owner, and for good reason. Two cities in Florida were forced to pay over a million in aggregate bitcoin ransom, only after losing access to phone and email systems for multiple weeks. Municipalities are not alone, and a quick glance at data breach news headlines on any given week will reveal SMB attacks as well. 

Account Takeover

Understanding how criminals are targeting your business or vertical is a fundamental component to any sound cybersecurity strategy. Nevertheless, “the nature of work for a CISO is often reactive”, tasked with establishing a Security Operations Center filled with analysts who are looking to spot a needle in a haystack. On the other hand, the commoditization of crimeware and “spray-and-pray” techniques have led to a higher frequency in breaches, many of which are executed by non-sophisticated hackers. Solving account takeover fraud at the small business and medium enterprise level in today’s world requires purpose-driven teams and technologies that can protect your business smarter and more efficiently. 

Universities and Municipalities

Just last summer, three US universities disclosed data breach incidents within a two-day span. However, this pales in comparison to 2018’s highlight. In March 2018, nine hackers breached 144 US universities, charged with stealing 31 terabytes of data worth roughly $3.4 billion in intellectual property. Such breaches have a ripple effect across all verticals and companies, driving consumer awareness and raising the standard for cybersecurity for everyone. In Canada, the University of Ottawa, City of Saskatoon and City of Burlington all experienced ransomware by simple email compromises. 

How Can E-Tech Help? 

Dark Web Monitoring

Security researchers estimate that in the first half of 2019 alone, 23M+ credit and debit card details were being sold in underground forums. Once such data dumps hit the Dark Web, cybercriminals will exchange stolen information and credentials in order to orchestrate damaging fraud schemes. Dark Web Monitoring is designed to help both public and private sector organizations detect and mitigate cyber threats that leverage stolen email addresses and passwords. The award-winning platform combines human and sophisticated Dark Web intelligence with search capabilities to identify, analyze and proactively monitor for an organization’s compromised or stolen employee and customer data. Get a Free Dark Web Scan Today.

Cyber Security Awareness Training

The number 1 reason people are victimized by cyber crime is human error. No industry is safe from cyber security threats – even experts like us are targeted by cyber criminals. That’s why we recommend our all-in-one comprehensive advanced Cyber Security Awareness Training Program, to keep you and your employees safe from the dark web. Our Training includes: a presentation to your employees, advanced training modules and course completion certificates, phishing email simulators and fully detailed reporting. Try our Free Cyber Security Training Module.

Top 10 Cybersecurity Tips:

  1. Create unique passwords and enforce multi-factor authentication for all network users.
  2. Install spam-filtering solutions with anti-phishing capabilities across your network.
  3. Leverage web-filtering programs that block phishy websites.
  4. Prepare for cryptojacking attacks.
  5. Purchase SMB security suites that include Dark Web monitoring.
  6. Involve all stakeholders in raising cybersecurity awareness across your organization.
  7. Assess your organization’s information, protection, and access regularly.
  8. Ensure that all third-parties have cybersecurity protocols and policies in place.
  9. Build a cybersecurity incident response plan (CIRP) and democratize key information.
  10. Partner up with experts to train your employees every month.
Feel Free to Contact Us for More Information.>

Microsoft Ending Support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020

By |2019-09-12T10:52:32-04:00September 12th, 2019|IT Support, Office 365 & G Suite, Uncategorized|

If you’re still running your business on Windows 7, your luck is starting to run out. According to Microsoft, Windows 7 will no longer receive support after January 14, 2020. Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or support for PCs running Windows 7. Now is the time to upgrade to latest version of Microsoft, Windows 10. [1]

What does this mean for you?

You can continue to use Windows 7 without any issues, but after January 14, your PC will become more vulnerable to security risks. Windows will operate, but you will stop receiving security and feature updates.

If you’re on a Windows 7 computer, you will not be prompted to get a free upgrade to windows 10 as it was previously for the original Windows 10 release. Now users running on Windows 7 will have to purchase and upgrade version like Windows 10 for a cost.

Microsoft 365 Business comes with a free upgrade for users with a Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 Pro license on their device. By purchasing Microsoft 365 Business, your users can upgrade all their old Windows Pro licensed devices at no additional cost.

Why should I upgrade?

With Microsoft no longer supporting Windows 7, it means you’ll no longer receive security and operation updates

You might ask, are security and feature updates really that important for my business operations. The answer is a resounding yes!

The well-informed might remember the worldwide cyber attack known as “WannaCry” that struck over 200 000 computers in 2017. This form of ransomware encrypted the computer’s files and demanded ransom payments from companies in order to get them back. How could this happen? WannaCry attacked computers who were still running older Windows operating systems and had not yet been upgraded to the most recent security upgrades.

If you get a security breach the amount of downtime and recovery could be devastating to deal with especially if you’re a small business or non-profit.

Besides security and support, other reasons to upgrade to a newer version are: faster speeds on startup, Cortana (talk to your computer just like Siri), access to universal apps, voice typing, and nearby sharing options. [2]

How can E-Tech help?

The best practice with all security risks is to act on them as soon as possible. You can be sure that you’re at risk immediately when the support ends. We can upgrade your Windows 7 PCs seamlessly for you, leaving you stress-free. We encourage you to contact us to to get started. If you’re eager to go through the process yourself, check out this checklist to find out if you should upgrade or replace your equipment:

Can’t see this pdf? Download it here.


Top 8 Google Drive Document Tips

By |2018-04-06T12:55:22-04:00April 6th, 2018|IT Support, Uncategorized|

Google Docs may not yet be the same class of word-processing heavyweight as Microsoft Word, but GDocs has a lot more functionality under the hood than most users suspect. Below, we outline eight secret word-processor weapons hiding within Google Docs.

  1. Take Cloud Files On-the-Go

Google Drive has made it easy to instantly pull up any files within your Drive from your Android or iPhone or tablet device. Just install the Drive app and anything in Drive on your desktop will also be available from your handheld device. The app allows you to view, move and edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations even when you’re offline. To set offline access up, simply download a local copy of any file in Drive to your smartphone with the Keep On Device setting.

  1. Protect Every Version of Any File

Google Drive maintains a version history of all the files in which you upload or create within the app—but only to a point. Older file versions are automatically deleted after 30 days or 100 revisions. This can be troubling for many business users. For example, what if you have a sales spreadsheet that is updated by multiple staffers every day? The way Drive is currently defaulted, you can easily lose a recent version of a document in short order.

Fortunately, there is a setting to fix this. You can mark individual Google Drive files to keep all the versions, no matter how old it is. This, of course, will have an impact on how much storage space you have in Google Drive. For this reason, you won’t find a global Drive setting to “keep all revisions forever”. For something like that, you need (ahem) a nice Google Drive backup product.

  1. Use templates to build professional-grade Docs

There are literally hundreds of prebuilt Google Docs templates available — for free — that can give your document a professional format and layout in a matter of mere seconds. Given that Google Docs goes out of its way to hide many of its powerful formatting features (so they don’t impede your actual work of writing), pre-built templates can save you the time otherwise wasted hunting down font, size and text format options. With GDocs templates, you can almost instantly spice up your invoices, resumes, and newsletters in efficient fashion, which keeps your document management fast and simple.

  1. Personalize documents with custom styles

If you’re ready to dive in and give your Google Docs a dose of your own personal style — or you have a marketing department or client who really has a thing about obeying brand guidelines — you can customize the default Google Docs styles to make brand-compliant titles, headings, and paragraph text. Therefore, every time you apply these styles, they’ll employ the same size, font, and basic formatting (bold, italic, etc.) as you’ve specified. Instant brand consistency and professionalism (so long as you don’t use Comic Sans).

  1. Auto-build tables of contents

Google makes it crazy-easy to automatically generate a table of contents for your long-form documents. So long as you’ve employed the heading styles to mark out the major sections of your document, Google Docs will programmatically generate a Table of Contents

— and you can automatically update that table of contents after every document revision. There’s no bigger time-saver for large Google Documents.

  1. Instantly translate an entire document

Many Google fans are aware of Google Translate, which automatically converts text from one language into another. This same functionality is available within Google Docs, allowing you to translate your entire Google Doc into any of 64 languages. While the translation may get a bit rough around the edges (sometimes comically so), auto-translated GDocs are generally readable and extremely convenient.

  1. Create academically- acceptable citations

Most of us are aware that you can open a new browser tab to do a search without closing your Google Docs tab, so the built-in Google Docs Research Pane is useful for you to properly cite your sources.

The Research Pane will directly cite any included link, quote or image with a footnote formatted

in MLA, or APA. Moreover, if you need to make sure that any included material is available via a free-for-use license, you can restrict your research result to that threshold of usage rights. If your document must conform to the strict rigors of academic publication, the Google Docs Research Pane may just be your new best friend.

  1. Add high-end functionality with add-ons

It’s all well and good that Google Docs can do some nice citations or programmatically translate into Spanish, but how do you add some good, old-fashioned Microsoft Word-level management functionality? Where’s my mail merge, my clip art, or my crazy complex tables? All these features (and more!) are hiding out as Google Docs add-ons from third-party developers.

Within a few clicks of the mouse, you can build crazy tables, drop in some free clip art, or initiate a mail-merge to your MailChimp email campaign with basic add-ons, and that’s before we talk about adding electronic signatures, Avery label templates or full-on mind-maps to your Google Docs. Add-ons close the gap between Google Docs and Microsoft Word in many areas.

With integrations to the likes of MailChimp, SmartSheet and WordPress, you can even out-do the old-school installed word-processor in a few areas.

Google Docs is not Microsoft Word, and that’s not a bad thing. While Google Documents is designed to make collaboration easy and document-creation simple, Microsoft Word has an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink philosophy of feature inclusion. Both approaches have their merits, but if you’d like to bridge the gap between GDocs’ minimalist excellence and MS Word’s maximalist options, these tips, tricks and hacks can make Google Docs an excellent solution in nearly every circumstance.

Feel Free to Contact Us for more information.



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