Cyber Security Awareness Week 4 – Report & Follow the Policies!

By |2021-09-30T10:18:37-04:00September 30th, 2021|Cyber Security Awareness, National Cyber Security Awareness Month, Uncategorized|

Week 4 - Follow the Policies - Print
Week 4 - Report
Follow policies and procedures

This week, read about how one empl
oyee helped make a difference by taking quick action.

Colonial Pipeline attack — Ransomware

A little before 5 a.m. on May 7th, 2021, an employee at the Colonial Pipeline noticed a ransom note on the computer, demanding cryptocurrency. This employee followed the company’s policies and procedures and immediately reported the situation.

The Colonial Pipeline attack might be one of the largest and most impactful cyberattacks in history. It started when the hackers gained access to the Colonial Pipeline networks by using a leaked password to enter the company’s VPN (virtual private network).

  • The VPN did not use multi-factor authentication, a cybersecurity tool that adds an additional layer of protection.
  • After extensive research, they found no evidence of a phishing attack. This led them to believe that the password used was the same password for another account that had been previously hacked.
  • One of the country’s largest pipelines was shut down, impacting gasoline accessibility and prices for about two weeks.
  • What is a ransomware attack? A ransomware attack is when hackers gain access to an organization’s system, encrypt and lock all of the data and then demand payment.

Tips & Tricks for iMIS Database Views

By |2021-08-19T14:40:24-04:00August 19th, 2021|Hosting, iMIS, IT Support, Uncategorized|

In iMIS you are often forced to use direct tables or views in IQAs and Business Objects if you are looking for something. Tables contain the raw information but, sometimes you need information which is stored in multiple tables and do not wish to spend time formatting and pulling in data from different tables; this is where views come in and can be used to speed things along. Here are some views that contain information that will be useful when creating IQAs and business objects.

Views Related to Users

Login – Contains information related to a user’s login information, such as login ID, iMIS ID, username, full name, and company name

Name_All – Contains all the name information about the contacts including their address and company

vBoContact – Contains the contact status code with the name of the contact

vBoIndividual – Similar to the contact view, but contains more information on the institute of the contact

vBoUser – Various views containing user keys, ID, login, emails and more. Look through each view to determine which one is best suited for your needs. vBoUserData is the table that would be most useful for most purposes

Other Useful Views

vBoDocument – This view is related to the documents that have been uploaded to iMIS so you can see the document keys and the name of the document

vBoSystem – These views contain various information related to the iMIS configuration, if you need to find what some setting is in iMIS look through these views to find what you need

For more information on iMIS database views or general information on iMIS, feel free to contact us.


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