more risk. Scammers and criminals may try to steal people’s information and money when they shop online. The good news is that there are several simple ways you can act to protect yourself and shop safe online. Let’s take a quick look at some tips. First, never do your shopping on public Wi-Fi networks. Public Wi-Fi can have weak security and sending sensitive information like an address and credit card number over a public connection could expose that information to other people. Second, check out the reviews for the site and retailer before you commit to buying anything. You can easily check for scam reports by searching online at the Better Business Bureau. Third, use bookmarks rather than links to reach sites. Links can be spoofed, but when you keep a bookmark to your favorite shopping site, you won’t be redirected by a scammer. With some common sense and care, you can shop safe online and get more bang for your buck. Check out our online shopping safety infographic for more great tips:>